I saw her gabbing away with a couple of her friends. The amazing hairdo isn't an exaggeration either. Commuting through Echo Park gives me the benefit of seeing characters like this and the guy in the previous post. Since these are all memory sketches, sitting in the traffic on Glendale Blvd affords me some extra seconds to take in more details in my mental snapshot. -May be the only bright side to sitting in LA traffic.
Hi garymyers, Nice blog! How to add the Glitter Effect Mouse Pointer to your Blog
You're like a drawing machine! These are wonderful!
hi! my name is from turkey. firstly, nice to meet you and blogger. maybe you don't listen but blogger is nice.. maybe ıf you want, make acquainted with me ... ıf we friendship progresses, I would like to make your caricature. Waiting for me the message from my site. thanks.
She's adorable! I'd be terrified to see what your caricature of me would be, however.
I'm new at blogger here, and the learning curve will take time to develop. I am glad to stumble on your blog just by selecting next. Such talent. As I learn I am sure to be very well pleased joining this community.
Thanks for sharing your talent with all of us in this world..../nm
Oh wow, now I get it, you are a people watcher! No wonder your art gives off such character, you are literally capturing a real life person. And it shows! Brilliant!
Love Vintage? Love Romance? Love Fairytales? Love Caged Canary..
wow! you are so good! have you ever thought about selling your drawings? you could make a fortune!
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